For up to five years, myself and everyone else who lives here were used by the alien entity known as the Tet to take the water from the earth and kill the surviving humans. For a while I was the Technician and then the Communications Officer in Tower 36, an area that used to cover part of the American Midwest. If you’re reading this, you probably already know who we are or were, but if you don’t… My name is Jack Harper. WB: Survival and community post Tet explosion (Oblivion 2013) - Freeformįor anyone reading this, these are the records of our settlement, starting around March 2078, several months after we settled here in the remains of some old farm buildings.Original Jack & Vika Characters - Character.Language: English Words: 5,357 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 1 Kudos: 3 Hits: 39

218 spins away and he's unconscious before he hits the ground. He's thrown back into the side of the ruin, feels a crunch as he collides with the metal. “Jack Harper! Tech Three-” He doesn’t finish. Jack draws his gun, doesn’t want to use it but he will if he has to. Drone 218’s guns click out from its sides. “Technician Three-Six,” he repeats, louder this time.

His hand goes to his thigh for his gun he doesn’t want to hurt 218, but she'd had some identification issues before, ones he thought were fixed but must have been knocked out of alignment again when she crashed. “Jack Harper, Tech Three-Six,” he says quickly, but the drone doesn’t register, the red light only seeming to get brighter. Communications Officer 36 (Aurora 'verse).For simplecoffee Fandoms: Oblivion (2013)